Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Skating Terms

Axel: The skater must take off from a forward outside edge, revolve one and a half times in the air, and land on the opposite foot on a back outside edge.31
Double Axel: This requires two and a half revolutions in the air.12
Triple Axel: This requires a three and a half revolutions in the air.
These three jumps are considered the most treacherous jumps because of the forward outside- edge take off.29
Flip: The skater usually enters from a forward three turn, remains on the back with back inside edge, reaches back with the free leg, taps the blade's toe pick into the ice and vaults into the air revolving in a counterclockwise direction and landing on the opposite foot, on a back outside edge. 53
Loop Jump: The skater must lift off from a back outside edge, turn two or three times in the air and land on the same foot, on a back outside edge. 31
Lutz: The skater must be on back outside edge then reach back with the free leg, tap the blade's toe pick on the ice and vault himself/herself into the air, revolving in a counterclockwise direction and landing back on a outside edge. 41
Toe Loop: The skater must take off from a back outside edge, tapping the free leg toe pick on the ice, vault into the air and land on a back outside edge. 32
Lay back Spin: The skater must bend backwards while spinning.(usually a ladies' spin) 14
Sit Spin: The skater must spin in a sitting position.10

1 comment:

  1. Hi Treasa!

    Here are some spelling corrections -
    AXEL - revolve
    FLIP - blade's
    LUTZ - blade's
    TOE LOOP - vault
    LAYBACK SPIN - ladies'


